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Carlos Parada
l'Université de Caen
Janet Burns, About.com
Leslie Flood et alii
Tufts University
N. S. Gill
Bill Thayer, University of Kansas
J. G. Th. Graesse
Aeneas in Italy
Detail from "Aeneae Trojani navigatio ad Virgilij sex priores Aeneidos," in Joseph Warton et al., The Works of Virgil, in Latin and English (London, 1753).
The Underworld
From Andrea de Jorio, Viaggio di Enea all' inferno ed agli elisii secondo
Virgilio (3rd ed.; Naples: Fibreno, 1831). Interprets
the various sites in Virgil's underworld in terms of the real geographical
features of the place. Also recommended, on the geography and archaeology of Cumae: Raymond V. Schoder, S.J., "Vergil's Poetic Use of the Cumae Area," Classical Journal 67 (1971-72): 97ff.
The Underworld
Traces and compares the journeys of Odysseus and Aeneas.
Le plan de Rome
Paul Bigot's (1870-1942) plaster model of Constantine's Rome (c. 300 AD). Many views, with extensive commentary and bibliography for most sites. Thematic and historical tours also available. Searchable by keyword.
Public Domain Maps of the Ancient World
Public domain is something of a misomer here, since commercial use is not permitted for some of them. Non-commercial use, is free, however.
Forum Romanum
Clickable map with photographs and prose descriptions. Also includes a list of literary references to sites in the Forum (though none from Virgil).
Perseus Atlas
Atlas of ancient Greece and Rome, navigable by clicking on an area of the map or entering a place name.
Maps of Ancient and Classical History
Links to maps of ancient Africa (including Egypt), Asia, Greece, Mesoamerica, the Near East, the Roman Empire, and the Underworld.
LacusCurtius: Into the Roman World
Don't be put off by the ugly pink background (which I'm told looks better on Macs). This page links to extensive sites you won't find elsewhere, including the Roman Gazetteer (76+ pages with 224 images), a Roman Atlas (some of it indexed), Pliny's Natural History (cross-referenced with the atlas and gazeteer), and Ptolemy's Geography. Now searchable, with even more content: Frontinus de Aquis on the Roman water supply, Vitruvius on architecture, Q. Curtius' Histories of Alexander the Great with Theodor Vogel's apparatus criticus, Rodolfo Lanciani's Pagan & Christian Rome, Codrington's Roman Roads in Britain, a Latin inscription primer in quiz format, William Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, and Samuel Ball Platner's Topography of Ancient Rome.
Orbis Latinus
From the 1909 edition, scanned and converted to HTML by Karen Green (Columbia University). Invaluable for learning the vernacular equivalents of Latin place names.